Thursday, May 21, 2009

Candy Acid Reign

This is an artist named, Ladessa Sullivan, who I really hope I will be able to collaborate with one day. Check out her work on youtube. It is really fascinating to watch her work. As you can tell from watching the video, she is very free when she paints. She has no limitations or rules that she has to follow, she is totally without boundaries, as far as I can tell. This is something that admire in the artists that are able to do this. It is something I aspire to. To me, her complete freedom is masterfully exemplified even in the way the video is edited (which she did, herself, I might add). So if I ever do a video tutorial or speedpaint video or anything, you all know who I aim to model my every attempt after. Please visit her youtube page and support her work. I think you will be impressed with her entire process. Also, support your local artists, wherever you are. The world would be a stagnant and much more primitive place without art in it various forms, so please please please, support the people who keep this world moving. You never know... supporting a local artist could positively change your life. I will be posting up work from artists like Ladessa, whom I really admire, from time to time here. I hope that you will grace them with your time and support. Cya l8r, Natiq...

1 comment:

  1. She is amazing AND beautiful!! I'm in completely love right now. *swoon*
